
Our Sunday morning worship service at the Congregational Church of Jefferson Park  is at  10 AM

This service is a time for praising and giving thanks to God, sharing the joys and concerns of our lives, and being renewed by the Word of God through scripture, preaching, sacrament, and song. We are an inclusive, Open and Affirming congregation that welcomes all people, no matter where they are on their faith and life journeys, who seek meaning in their lives and a caring community of others who are willing to accompany them.  Our children and youth join us at the beginning of each worship and then depart for their Sunday School classes after the Pastor’s Children’s Message.

The worship materials for the upcoming service are available by clicking on the link below. They are available on Thursday for the upcoming Sunday's service. These materials include the Order of Worship and Scripture Readings for the week. On the first Sunday of each month the Liturgy for Communion is also included.

Worship Materials for this week 

Would you like to lead prayers and read scripture in the upcoming weeks?   Liturgists and announcers are always needed. Materials will be emailed to you in advance.

How about hosting the coffee hour after a Sunday service? If you volunteer, the duties are to bring modest treats such as donuts, cookies, coffee cakes, and/or a vegetable tray and then help with setting up and serving after the church service. We will make the coffee and provide the other necessities.

Liturgists, announcer and coffee hour host  signup sheet 


On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper and invite all people to gather at Christ’s table. On communion Sundays, our children join us.