Missions and Outreach Committee

This committee shall be appointed by the Church Cabinet. Its duties shall be to encourage participation of the Church in mission enterprises, and to determine the distribution of the mission funds of the Church within the framework of the annual budget. It shall seek to further fellowship and interaction between the Church and the local and global community.

Night Ministry

Church members make sack lunches on the 4th Sunday of each month for The Night Ministry.

Every Christmas we stuff 100 stockings with donations from many people in order to delight the clients of the Night Ministry.

Night Ministry Page


The Congregational Church of Jefferson Park has four special worship services per year called “workships”. There is a 15-minute worship service in the sanctuary, after which we leave the building and do service in the neighborhood or city.

Workship Schedule

We support the Olive’s Garden, a community garden for the hungry in Jefferson Park, at Ainslie and Laramie. Periodically, we participate by planting, weeding, and harvesting the vegetables.

Olive's Garden

Other Support

We regularly deliver food and personal items to the New Hope Food Pantry. We support charitable organizations such as Lydia Home, The CARA Program, New Eyes for the Needy, and Our Church’s Wider Mission.


*Janis Gooday

Joanne Modica

Janet Owens

Cathy Buck

Richard Hill

* = Chairperson

You can contact the Committee by emailing Missionscommittee@ccjpucc.org