Nominating Committee
This committee shall consist of six persons to serve a term of one year, plus the Church Clerk, ex officio. Three members shall be appointed by the Church Cabinet prior to the Annual Meeting, to serve for the ensuing year. Three members will be elected at the Annual Meeting from nominations made from the floor at the Annual Meeting to serve for the ensuing year.
This committee shall before the annual meeting, prepare a list of nominations for the ensuing year for the elective positions provided for under Article V and Article VII and shall post such nominations on the Church bulletin board for at least one week prior to the annual meeting. The right of a member to make nominations from the floor shall always be recognized. It shall be the duty of the committee to interview prospective nominees in advance of the annual meeting, explain the duties of the positions for which they are to be nominated, and to secure their consent to such nominations. When necessary, the committee shall also be called together to make nominations for special meetings to fill vacancies.
No person other than the Associate Moderator may hold more than one of the positions listed in Article V, Section 1.
All officers shall be Members of this Church. All Board and Committee members shall be members or friends (of this Church) in good standing, which is defined as regular attendance for at least one year.
Vacancies occurring during the year in any of the positions listed in Article V, Section 1 with the exception of the Pastor may be filled for the balance of the year by the vote of the Church Cabinet or at special congregational meetings called for that purpose, at the discretion of the Pastor and Church Cabinet.
*Bob Schaefer
Rick Hill
Carrie Lawlor
Steven Mendro
Don Mendro
Janet Owens
* = Chairperson
You can contact the Nominating Committee by emailing