Jennifer Bezold
Financial Secretary
Jennifer has been a part of CCJP since 1965, when she started singing in the choir and taking voice lessons with the late Bernhardt Mendro, former CCJP Choir Director. Jennifer and her husband Chuck were married in the church by the late Rev. Rankin Shrewsbury, former CCJP Pastor, in 1971. They were absent for most of 20 years, but became active in the church again when they returned to Chicago on Chuck’s retirement from the Air Force in 1991. They have two children, ten grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Jennifer holds a BA in English from Elmhurst College (now Elmhurst University). She worked at various jobs in the banking industry before taking a position as a Credit and Collections Specialist with EGS Electrical Group until retiring in 2012.
Jennifer enjoys singing, reading, attending plays and Symphony concerts, and performing in community theater.
In her capacity as Financial Secretary, an office she has held since 2013, she keeps track of donations to the church and prepares donors’ yearly Statements of Giving for tax purposes.