Congregational Church of Jefferson Park - UCC About Us
5320 W. Giddings, Chicago IL 60630773-725-0121 churchoffice@ccjpucc.orgSunday worship service: 10 AM
Worship Service Worship Materials
Liturgist and coffee hour host signup sheet
Welcome to the website of the Congregational Church of Jefferson Park, an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ in northwest Chicago.
We are so happy that you have made your way to our website!
We hope that as you explore our website, you will want to come and worship with us, then hear us welcome you with our welcome song at fellowship time!
The Congregational Church of Jefferson Park is people of faith who love music, serving their community, the rich traditions of a church founded in 1861, and the incredible involvement of the children, youth, and young adults. We also enjoy congregational parties, adult religious discussion groups, and fun-filled fund raisers.
We are an intentionally open and affirming congregation. We welcome persons of every age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation, political affiliation, economic and social status, educational background, physical or mental disability, faith background, marital standing, and family structure.
We hope that we can be a place for you as you grow in your spiritual journey and that you come to learn from us as we look forward to learning from you.
Pastoral Care — You can reach out by calling the church at (773-725-0121). Please leave detailed messages, including your name and contact info, your question/joy/concern, and whether or not you need to be contacted in return.
Also let us know if you have visited someone, so that care and visits can be coordinated. Thank you!
Weekly Volunteers — Each week there are opportunities to serve as liturgist and/or announcer, greeter and/or ushers and to host fellowship time, as well as to sponsor the chancel flowers. Please sign up to serve your congregation!